You can use gtapecalc just like you would most other calculators. The main difference is the output window that will record any calculations that you enter.
3.2.1 Precision
The Precision option sets the calculator's precision. Any changes made in the Preferences dialog will be saved and used the next time the program is run. Precision can also be set using the options View in the view menu. Changes made here will not be saved for the next session.
3.2.2 Show Column Headers
Show or hide the column headers in the Tape Output window.
3.2.3 Save Current Window Size
Save the current size of the program window along with the sizes of the individual panes. So if you would like to see only the output window and not the buttons, resize the panes to show only the output window and use this option to make gtapecalc start this way all the time.
3.2.4 Calculator Font
Sets the font for the calculator display. Currently the display does not resize itself to account for different sized fonts, so choosing a font that is too large for the display may result in numbers not being visible.
3.2.5 Tape Font
Sets the font for the output window.
3.2.6 Button Font
Sets the font for the calculator buttons.(Note) The system used for setting fonts is something of a tradeoff between being flexible for both the user and with Gtk themes. The problem is that sometimes the fonts aren't always updated correctly-or the theme isn't always updated correctly. However, when the program is restarted the correct font and theme will be shown.
3.2.7 Print Command
Use this option to set the name of the printer command for your system. The default is lpr so for most systems this should be fine.
3.2.8 Page Width
Sets the width of the page to be printed in characters. Use this option to adjust the width of the printed page.
3.2.9 Column Width
Sets the width of the Notes column. Use this option to balance out the widths of the printed columns to your personal preference. The default setting is one- half the Page Width setting.